About the Product
Jameelan is effective in spermatorrhoea, causing no side effect on the stomach. Increase the viscosity of semen. Jameelan help reduces the excretion in the form of drops before and after passing urine. Spermatorrhea is considered a pathological condition if a person experiences spermatorrhea more than three times a week along with dizziness, insomnia, weakness in the lower back and legs, as well as low energy levels. This male health problem can also aggravate the shape of penis and it become flaccid. Usually in spermatorrhea, the most common symptoms observed include frequent desire to urinate, itching around genital areas, as well as involuntary discharge of semen.
Jameelan, a study herbal medicine, not only help in stopping involuntary discharge of semen, but additionally it also help in alleviating the after-effects of spermatorrhea. Jameelan provides strength to whole male reproductive system.
- Effective in spermatorrhoea
- Increases the viscosity of semen
- Reduces the excretion in the form of drops before and after passing urine.
1-2 tablets with a cup of lukewarm milk before breakfast or as directed by the physician.
- Keep the medicine out of children reach.
- Consult with physician first. Self medication is not recommended.
Musli Safed (Chlorophytum arundinaceum)
1-2 tablets with cum of lukewarm milk Before breakfast.