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17 products

  • 20% off Save Rs.30.00 PKR
    Ajmal Dawakhana

    Ajmal gas mint | for flatulence

    Digestive problems can be troublesome and mortifying. Our gas mint product efforts swiftly to reduce flatulence, gas, abdominal discomfort and...

    Rs.120.00 PKR Rs.150.00 PKR
    Rs.120.00 PKR
    Rs.120.00 PKR Rs.150.00 PKR
  • Ajmal Dawakhana

    Joshanda ajmali | for cough, flu & cold

    Joshanda Ajmali Joshanda Ajmali is useful for treating flu of any kind, especially epidemic-type infections, as well as coughs and...

    From Rs.20.00 PKR
    Rs.20.00 PKR
    Rs.20.00 PKR
  • Sold out
    Ajmal Dawakhana

    Ajmal honey | good for general health

    Dawakhana Hakim Ajmal Khan refines and packs organic fresh and pure natural raw honey. Ajmal Honey, Nature’s Golden Nectar, contains a...

    From Rs.190.00 PKR
    Rs.190.00 PKR
    Rs.190.00 PKR
  • Ajmal Dawakhana

    Roghan gesu daraz | makes hair strong & long

    Roghan Gesu Daraz Everyone wants strong, healthy, dark, shiny hair, and a good crop of hair can take years off...

    Rs.400.00 PKR
    Rs.400.00 PKR
    Rs.400.00 PKR
  • Sold out
    Ajmal Dawakhana

    Ajmal desi ghee | for strengthening the whole body

    Ajmal Desi Ghee has incredible healing properties. It enhances eyesight, keeps muscles and tendons healthy. For people with cholesterol problems,...

    From Rs.1,100.00 PKR
    Rs.1,100.00 PKR
    Rs.1,100.00 PKR
  • Sold out
    Ajmal Dawakhana

    Nehai | for indigestion issues

    Ajmal Nehai The human body is like an instinctive machine, created by nature in such a way that every organ...

    From Rs.40.00 PKR
    Rs.40.00 PKR
    Rs.40.00 PKR
  • Ajmal Dawakhana

    Sharbat-e-sandal | refreshing & healthy

    Sharbat-e-Sandal is a well-known healthy and refreshing drink in Asia. It is also effective for palpitation, anxiety, burning micturition, and bilious...

    Rs.440.00 PKR
    Rs.440.00 PKR
    Rs.440.00 PKR
  • Ajmal Dawakhana

    Arq-e-gulab (rose water) | for eye & skin disorders

    Arq-e-Gulab (Rose Water) is produced by steam distillation of fresh rose petals. Arq-e-Gulab contains all-natural ingredients, there is no artificial...

    From Rs.80.00 PKR
    Rs.80.00 PKR
    Rs.80.00 PKR
  • Ajmal Dawakhana


    Arusa is complete nourishment for facial skin and used for pimples, acne, and blackheads. From immemorial times to the present...

    From Rs.120.00 PKR
    Rs.120.00 PKR
    Rs.120.00 PKR
  • Ajmal Dawakhana

    Saboos ispaghol | for constipation

    Saboos Ispaghol is nature’s best remedy for constipation and allied problems. Most people do not get enough fiber in their...

    From Rs.25.00 PKR
    Rs.25.00 PKR
    Rs.25.00 PKR
  • Ajmal Dawakhana

    Sharbat kausar | for vitality & freshness

    Sharbat Kausar acts as an antacid that helps to relieve problems like heartburn, stomach acid as well as anemia related issues, and...

    Rs.480.00 PKR
    Rs.480.00 PKR
    Rs.480.00 PKR
  • Ajmal Dawakhana

    Roghan narial (coconut oil) | make hair strong & long

    Roghan Narial (Coconut Oil): Roghan Narial (Coconut Oil) increases hair and keeps them shiny and smooth. If the oil is...

    Rs.350.00 PKR
    Rs.350.00 PKR
    Rs.350.00 PKR
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